Population Health Outcomes Information Exchange

Interactive Prevalence Profiler (Click here to explore our map!) - Created in partnership with Darkhorse Analytics

"Our Mission is to Connect Communities with Information that Drives Positive Social Changes in Pursuit of Lifespan Equality"

 --Steven J Korzeniewski, PhD (Principal Investigator)


AWARDSWayne State University - Darkhorse Analytics - Anthem Awards Winner Silver - Phoenix Project - Prevalence Profiler in Responsible Technology Best Use of Data

Data Visualization

Silver Anthem Award,
Responsible Technology,
Best Use of Data


PHOENIX Interactive Prevalence Profiler Tool

Information is Beautiful Award,

from the Data Visualization Society



Original Research

Research involving PHOENIX Principal Investigator,
Dr. Steven Korzeniewski, is awarded Editor’s Choice by
the American Journal of Public HealthImage showing the coer of American Journal of Public Health magazine Overdose: The Drug Bust Paradox













Wayne State UniversityAchieve GreaterMichigan Health Endowment FundBasedOn GYROMichigan Developmental Disabilities Institute


1. Steven J. Korzeniewski, PhD, PHOENIX Platform Design Architect/Principal Investigator; 2. Samantha J. Bauer, PhD, PHOENIX Platform Engineer/Co-Investigator; 3. Mallory Lund, BA, Research Data Manager; 4. Jacob Stocking, BA, HTML Programmer; 5. Arslan Gondal, BS, C&IT Lead Systems Software Engineer; 6. Kirsten Osborne, Research Assistant; 7. Bethany Foster, MPH, Clinical Program Manager;  8. DARKHORSE analytics, Technical Support; and 9. Phillip Levy, MD, MPH,  PHOENIX Program Founder/Co-Investigator. PHOENIX is supported by Wayne State and the investigators have received extramural funding from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund (R-1907-144972), the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institute of Minority Health and Development (P50 MD017351), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (R01 CE003362-01), the Environmental Protection Agency (RD-84045901-0), and the Department of Energy (DE-EE0010413).

Thank you to all of our donors